A Too-Familiar Story

Becky and I are binging a series in which a young lady catches fire for Jesus.

Life is wonderful. God is great…all the time. Can’t get enough Bible study, worship, preaching.

Ever been there?

Then, the inevitable happens. Tragedy. Loss. Indescribable pain. And, of course, questions.

If God is so good, why did He do this, or allow it?

Sound familiar?

And saddest of all, from my perspective, the Christian leaders in her life offer mostly platitudes, canned responses aimed primarily at avoiding rather than confronting the tough, often un-answerable cries for certainty flowing from this girl’s grief.

Small wonder that she concludes God really isn’t good, or doesn’t care, or perhaps isn’t there at all.

I know it’s fiction, but I find myself resenting characters who ought to know better. I keep waiting for these “leaders” to remember Jesus, to set aside their own hurts long enough to see what this young woman needs.

She needs to see Jesus in those around her. She needs to feel sacrificial, non-judgmental love that can absorb the pain and doubt without defensive reaction. She needs that, not for a day or two, but for weeks or months or however long it takes.

Perhaps I’m a bit sensitized because it’s the story of Relentless Grace, people who surrounded me for a decade with love and encouragement when I was trying hard to give up.

I don’t know yet how our series ends, but I know my story didn’t wind up at roses and rainbows. The questions and pain don’t magically disappear, and most likely won’t in this lifetime.

But there is a path out of the darkness. I know, because Jesus and all those people helped me find it. Not the typical TV “Happy Ending” but perhaps something better – a place of long-term understanding and peace.

It’s silly, but I’m hoping for something similar for the girl in our series.

2 thoughts on “A Too-Familiar Story

  1. Lizbeth - January 2, 2024

    I was wondering as wel

  2. Ken Conn - December 15, 2023

    What’s the name of the series? It sounds interesting.

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