
I’m fond of the phrase, “The FREEDOM TOUR is a community.”

It’s my way of emphasizing that we’re followers of Jesus and relationships matter.

It’s also a way of clarifying that fundraising is not our primary focus, which is a curious thing to say since we raise funds to support a group of kids who’ve been rescued from human trafficking.

It’s an interesting conundrum.

We cycle to bring hope and freedom to kids rescued from human trafficking. And we believe there’s no limit to what can be accomplished by a group of people who work together toward a common cause – and trust God for the outcome.

It’s that last part, trusting God for the outcome, that’s hard for me. I wanna guide the outcome, make sure it turns out the right way.

I forget that Jesus is already caring for our kids, that he was caring for them long before we showed up in ways we couldn’t possibly understand.

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Jesus knows what our kids need.

We’re not fundraisers, but our team raised more than $115,000 in 2023, enough to support the Home of Hope for an entire year. In 11 years, generous supporters have contributed more than $700,000.

We’ll continue to bring people into this community, to help them know how Jesus multiplies our efforts and cares for victims of this horrible crime.

And we’ll do our best to trust Him for the outcome.

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