
We’ve all heard the phrase “voice for the voiceless.”

It’s a take on Proverbs 31:

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

I’m thinking about the kids at the Home of Hope.

I don’t think these kids and their mothers are “voiceless.” Rather, they’ve been systematically silenced by oppression, corruption, and bondage.

Perhaps the best way to speak up for them is not to speak for them, but to create space in which they can speak for themselves.

At the FREEDOM TOUR, we’re a bit like surrogate aunts and uncles. We watch as our 22 kids learn and grow day by day, year after year. We pray for growth and learning as they become the beautiful people God always intended.

This spring, three young women graduated and transitioned into post-secondary education. Three strong young women, ready to step into a productive role in society.

Easier, faster, more convenient to simply speak for them, to be their voice.

But, how cool to see three strong young women, ready and able to speak for themselves?

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Note the photo: Our team took a break on the road to Crested Butte. Someone said, “Look at the mile marker.”

Kinda cool, a stop at 22 miles on a ride to support 22 kids.

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