Good Question

What do I need to learn from this? 

I like questions. This is a pretty good one.

I wrote last time about the challenges of community. Any time you get a bunch of people together, working hard for a mission, things aren’t going to go exactly as planned.

I have this tendency to “awfulize,” to imagine the worst whenever something goes wrong. I obsess and worry and usually turn it into a much bigger deal than it really was.

This question flips the situation, transforms calamity into opportunity. Instead of worrying about what went wrong, I can seek the new idea embedded in the circumstances.

Perhaps this was part of James’ thinking when he wrote, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds…”

Have you wondered why trials ought to be a source of joy? Me too, but if obstacles and failures are viewed as learning opportunities, if I can see a chance to grow and get better – I might see things differently.

Community without problems is an unrealistic expectation. Jesus told us we would experience trouble. Not sure about you, I don’t think I’ll ever view those problems as “pure joy.”

But, perhaps I can remember my fascination with good questions. Perhaps I can remember, at least occasionally, when something doesn’t happen according to my expectations, to ask this question of myself.

What do I need to learn from this? 

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