When It’s All “Ized”

I spend too much time staring at a screen.

Lots of advantages to this online revolution, but we all know there are downsides as well. I’m pretty good at blocking and scrolling past most of the really negative stuff, but I’ll admit that I get kind of sad when I see the angry, divisive comments and actions that carry the label of “Christianity.”

Rob Cowles spoke about The Church Reimagined. He characterized the increasing divisions within the church in an interesting way.

  1. Everything became Politicized
  2. Issues were falsely Dichotomized
  3. We became severely Polarized
  4. The other side was Demonized
  5. All of it was Spiritualized

You and I can’t fix the world, but we can turn Rob’s mnemonic into some questions for reflection.

Do I view everything through a political lens? Have I allowed my brain to become so media saturated that every question, every disagreement is framed as a political battle? If I do, it’s easy to take the next step.

Do I create false dichotomies? Every _____ believes _____. If you’re a _____ then _____. Mostly these are wrong, but they’re a great way to draw lines and divide *us* from *them*.

Do I take my views (and my views of others) to extremes? No room near the center, because every issue is life-and-death.

Do I view those with different views as bad or evil? And of course, since it’s life-and-death, those on the “wrong” side must be horrible.

Does Jesus guide my politics? Or have I created a version of Jesus to validate my political views? I’ll confess. I’m guilty at times of asking Jesus to follow me and carry my stuff. That’s kinda backwards.

“Follow me.”

1 thought on “When It’s All “Ized”

  1. […] As always, many folks retreated to their corners and tossed out familiar talking points. It was an exercise in “Izing.” Politicizing, dichotomizing, polarizing, demonizing, and […]

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