Learn What I Already Know

I’m waiting, preparing for FREEDOM TOUR 2021 and the birth of Jesus.

In His Advent journal, my friend Jon encouraged us today to “listen” as part of waiting. I thought about a guy who came up to me after a presentation a while back. After thanking me, he said something quite profound.

“You taught me a lot of important things I already knew.”

It’s a powerful reality.

In 1900 human knowledge doubled approximately every 100 years. By the end of 1945, the rate was every 25 years. Currently it’s 13 months. We long ago became overwhelmed with information.

I like exploring new ideas. I’ve learned some cool new tech stuff recently about the coding that goes into building websites. It’s interesting to type a few lines of code, watch their effect show up on the internet, then mess around and see what kinds of variations I can create.

“New” is interesting and necessary, but what matters most isn’t fresh and flashy. What matters most is what I already know, the timeless principles that so easily get lost in the rush toward the next big shiny thing.

So I’ll keep polishing the spiffy updates to the FREEDOM TOUR website, but it’s not so much about what’s new in 2021. And I’ll enjoy the decorations and celebrations, but it’s not so much about the food and the gifts.

It’s about people coming together around 22 kids rescued from human trafficking.

It’s about the birth of a baby. Immanuel, God with us.

I need to listen. And remember.

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