It’s About Trust

COLORADO MOUNTAIN TOUR 2020 blasts off today.

Isn’t that amazing? With all that’s happened, through historic financial disruption and social isolation amid a global pandemic, our team kept hope alive. Instead of giving up, they trained, spread awareness, and raised funds to support the kids at the HOME OF HOPE.

During the next five days they’ll crank 285 miles and climb 27,000 feet. Our support team will serve, hydrate, and nurture in circumstances that make every task more time consuming. We’ll create a team while maintaining distance.

It’s challenging. It would’ve been easier and more convenient to just wait until things calm down. These folks aren’t about easy or convenient.

We’re not ignoring reality. We modified plans. Changed routes. Altered logistics. We’re doing everything we can to listen to science and follow its guidance. We’ll follow state and local guidelines and do our best to keep everyone safe.

We’ll do our best, and trust God for the results.

I hope you’ll follow along as we travel through the beautiful hills of Northern Colorado. And if you’d like to join us, click here to donate.

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