Perhaps you’ve noticed I post less frequently.
Or perhaps you haven’t, which is part of the reason for this post. I’ve been wondering if this blog still serves a purpose. It’s not that I have nothing to say. I guess I wonder how necessary, or useful, it is for me to say it from this platform.
I’ve done this for ten years, and 2500 posts is a lot of words. When one does something for a decade, it’s worth asking why. Just-because-I’ve-always-done-it isn’t good enough.
In the end, I realize, like most authors, that I write first of all for myself. The process of putting thoughts and ideas “on paper” helps keep my journey a bit more focused and organized. Since those first journals that became the story of RELENTLESS GRACE, I’ve found a certain peace and calm in the writing process.
I share my journey with you because I believe in the power of community. I hope my words bring a little comfort or inspiration to someone who reads them. I believe God uses our connection in ways neither of us understands.
I don’t do this to make money or to build a big audience. I enjoy telling you about the FREEDOM TOUR, my cycling adventures, and some of my discoveries and stumbles as I follow Jesus. I try to keep it real, sharing the struggles along with the wins.
I’m grateful for your attention, for your feedback and comments, and for your support.
Thank you for your posts Rich.