Climb Every Mountain

Camera pans and zooms out…cue Julie Andrews.

Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream

While you’re reading this, the Colorado Mountain Tour team is claiming their third mountain pass. This morning it’s Fremont pass, following Vail Pass and Independence Pass.

Our team is following a big dream as they climb those mountains, the dream of providing hope and freedom for some kids who’ve been rescued from a very dark place. We talked about that dream a lot during the last five days. Our riders carried pictures of those kids in their jerseys as a reminder. When the hills got a little steep or the winds blew in their faces, a glance at those photos reminds us we’re doing a tough thing for kids who live in a much tougher place.

One rider talked about household tasks left undone during the last few months because training and preparing were more important. Another described signing up because God put this mission on his heart. He didn’t have the right bike or enough money or time to train, but he didn’t let any of those things stop him from making the commitment. He decided to trust God.

When you’re climbing mountains to follow a God-sized dream, you need more than a big song. You need things like trust, sacrifice, commitment, and faith. You need teammates to encourage you. And you need pictures to remind you that it’s not about you, that you’re part of a story bigger than yourself.

Our ride today completes the mountain tour and an amazing year for Freedom Tour ’18. Sadly, the work of seeking justice remains unfinished. The kids at the home of hope, and millions of other victims of slavery and human trafficking, still need our support.

I hope you’ll join us on this quest for justice. Our kids, our HOME OF HOPE, offer one way you could get involved. There are lots of others.

I hope you find your mountain to climb, your dream to follow, your way to get involved in God’s big story of bringing justice to the world.

1 thought on “Climb Every Mountain

  1. Taryn Lanczy - July 30, 2018

    Thank you for your love of God and the sacrifice you are making for the children. God bless you on this incredible journey.

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