Modern Day (Real) Freedom

On the FREEDOM TOUR we talk about modern day slavery.

It’s a heavy topic, the notion that right now, as you read these words, humans buy and sell other humans for economic gain and personal pleasure. Even tougher when it’s children and it’s occurring on a larger scale than any time in history. Get too focused on that sort of darkness and you could become downright angry or discouraged or even depressed.

The side panel of our jersey says LIGHT IN DARK PLACES. It’s what others see when they pass us on the road, but it’s mostly a reminder of what inspires us.

Jesus didn’t focus on darkness. He didn’t enter the world with swords slashing or guns blazing, ready to clean up the town, wipe out the bad guys, and enforce justice. He came to be the light of the world, and invited us to follow.

The designer knew what He was doing. He knew obsessing about darkness would harm us. He knew anger and violence only create more anger and violence.

The moment I focus on darkness I’m trapped by it, chained to it, enslaved by it. Scripture warns of the danger.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)

It’s an eternal principle. Whenever I decide I “need” something, whenever a thing or idea or person other than Jesus becomes my center of attention, I’m no longer free.

So rather than being motivated by the horrible darkness of human trafficking, we’re inspired by light and hope.

The designer knew light always wins.

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