We’re Impressed By Your Craziness

God-sized dreams elicit some peculiar responses.

Becky and I spent a few days meeting new church partners for the COLORADO MOUNTAIN FREEDOM TOUR. We described the project to groups and individuals and encountered a common reaction. Tell folks you’re preparing to ride bikes over mountain passes and they’ll look at you with some mixture of amazement, curiosity, and questions about your sanity. Explain that you’re raising funds to support abused kids and they nearly always want to know more.

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Being part of the FREEDOM TOUR team earns us a platform. We get to talk about the kids, about human trafficking, about Project Rescue.

We get to talk about what it’s like to step out of your comfort zone and become part of something bigger than yourself. Being part of this team doesn’t make us special or cool or part of some gang that gets to wear team jackets. It’s more profound.

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I think God’s handed every member of our team this remarkable opportunity and now it’s up to us to do something with it. If all we do is wear the jersey, I suspect we’ve missed the point.

We don’t have to make speeches or write books. All we have to do is be vulnerable, to share with others the story of this remarkable experience and our connection to each other and to the kids at the HOME OF HOPE.

No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light. (Luke 8:16)

I met our new partners with a new sense of humility and responsibility. God’s handed me this light. I have a circle of influence. I want to do what I can to make sure those around me see the light.

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Where do you need to think about allowing your light to shine?

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