Even The Strongest Rider Needs A Team

71317 1The FREEDOM TOUR is a big deal, but every year around this time I watch riders in that other bike tour.

The best cyclists in the world spend three weeks in July racing more than 3500 km (2200 miles) in le Tour de France. It’s an incredible test of physical endurance, mental toughness, and courage. Each day the riders complete more than 100 miles in heat, cold, and rain at average speeds exceeding 25 mph. They climb mountains with 10-15% (and even 20%) inclines and race narrow, twisting descents at 40-50 mph.

Cycling is a sport of paradox. Each rider makes a completely individual effort, but it’s impossible to win without a strong team.

In many team sports a strong team and proper strategy can compensate for a weaker member. In cycling, each rider must crank every mile and climb every mountain. No time-outs, no substitutes. Injuries are tended by doctors from a moving car. The race stops for no one.

Each cyclist must do his own training. No one can ride the thousands of miles, endure the hardships and pain, or maintain the discipline. Preparation is each rider’s individual responsibility.

While a rider must complete le Tour as an individual, cycling is a team sport. Through the aerodynamics of drafting (or slipstreaming) a cyclist riding directly behind another rider uses about 1/3 less energy. So a team of cyclists working together can ride significantly faster than any individual.

Even the strongest rider, isolated from teammates, cannot succeed against a well-coordinated team effort. A rider who tries to do it on his own is doomed.

What can we all learn from professional cyclists?

Training and preparation are individual responsibilities. Nobody can do this part for you. Learning. Study. Practice. Personal habits. Nutrition. Sleep. Exercise. A certain part of life is about individual discipline, commitment, sacrifice. Either you do this stuff, or you don’t.

We were created for community; life’s a team sport. Despite the USAmerican myth, self-made and people don’t exist and self-reliant folks fool themselves. The guy who tries to do it on his own can never reach full potential. He can’t, because that’s not what the designer had in mind.

Our COLORADO MOUNTAIN FREEDOM TOUR team members have trained and prepared for months. After thousands of miles, countless hours spent fundraising and working out the details, we’ll finally gather as a team in two weeks. Together we’ll travel a difficult, exciting journey. 4 days. 260 miles. 14,700+ ft of climbing.


We’ll do it together because teamwork makes the journey safer, easier, and a whole lot more fun. Because together blocks the wind, divides the work, and lightens the load. Because together is how we share our stories.

Because together is how God designed it.

When are you tempted to go it alone? Who are the teammates who can travel with you?

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