My Spot In The Maze

Ed Richardson is an amazing guy.

I could write a couple of posts about his story, his family, his teaching, and the intentional manner in which he built a legacy. Today I just want to tell you one thing he’s taught me during the past couple of years.

Ed built (literally, with his own hands) THE REFUGE, the retreat center in the hills west of Trinidad where the FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR concludes our time together. Ed meets us each year and spends some time sharing thoughts about life and following Jesus.

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Ed tells of a vision in which God showed him a maze representing his life. He could see the entry point, and of course Jesus stood at the exit waiting patiently. But in between he saw an elaborate mess of twists and turns, false starts, dead ends, quicksand, mine fields. And the more he puzzled over it, the more he tried to figure it out and solve it and fix it…the more dangerous and twisted it became.

He wondered what this all meant. Then, looking closer, he noticed an “X” with “You Are Here.” And slowly he realized what God was telling him.

Ed realized God placed him in this particular spot. It wasn’t his job to figure out the maze, to solve it or fix it. His job was to make his spot as peaceful as possible and when someone came along to point them in the right direction.

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I’ve heard Ed tell this story from a couple of different angles. Each time it’s settled around me like a warm, calm summer evening.

The maze isn’t mine to fuss about. I don’t have to know why it’s a mess or how to fix it.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:18-30 (Msg)

My job is to “learn the unforced rhythms of grace” so when someone wanders past my spot they’ll find rest and a bit of peace and my actions might point them in the right direction.

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1 thought on “My Spot In The Maze

  1. Lizbeth Denkers - June 28, 2017

    What a wonderful respite The Refuge is!!

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