It’s Never About The Numbers

freedom 1Are you one of the 2 billion Facebook users?

If so, you’ve probably noticed their cute little personalized videos that show up in your timeline on birthdays, anniversaries, and other random important dates. The FB folks know we all like to see ourselves in videos and photos. They know lots of us will share. More engagement, more clicks, better for everyone…including FB.

I got one recently that talked about 2 billion users. It said, “It’s not about the numbers. It’s about what all of us can do together.”

We just completed an incredible bike tour. We’re busy compiling expense reports, comparing income and expenses, and creating budgets for the upcoming Mountain Tour. Spend a couple of days staring at spreadsheets and it’s easy to reduce the FREEDOM TOUR to numbers on a page. Number of riders. Number of dollars. Number of kids, receipts, miles, photos shared, sponsors, blog posts read. The whole thing can become about the numbers.

Numbers matter to us, just like they matter to Facebook. But the numbers better be a tool, one way of measuring what we’re up to. Numbers are never the goal.

It’s not about the numbers. It’s about what all of us can do together, when we serve each other and sacrifice for something bigger than ourselves.

That’s about a lot more than riding bikes. It’s about families and churches and communities and businesses…and life.

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The FREEDOM TOUR is blessed with amazing partnerships. Our sponsors live out the principles of doing well so you can do good. They teach us what it means to be leaders in our community. Our 2017 DREAM Sponsors are Yancy Food Services and Hageman Earth Cycle.

Greg Yancey has been with us from the very beginning. Roger Hageman wasn’t far behind. Both are highly successful businessmen, but we know them for their integrity, generosity, big hearts, and commitment to service.

freedom 2We’re honored to partner with these wonderful men and their organizations. They demonstrate every day that it’s not about the numbers.

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