What If You Don’t Go Along?

We need more people who Get In The Way.

Freedom Riders Methodist Church Brighton 6-20-16 (18)John is one of the folks who drives the FREEDOM TOUR. He’s not simply along for the ride, he’s involved in building the community. The people, the process matter to him. We matter to him. Over a period of a few years John has become part of the DNA of this crazy dream.

John, like lots of other folks, doesn’t simply Go Along. They contribute new ideas, help us see through different lenses. They refuse to allow us to settle because they care. They disrupt, cause a ruckus,Get In The Way, in all the good, right, positive ways.

Seems like any movement, dream, idea has people who Get In The Way and others who Go Along.

We appreciate people like John and all the others who, in their own way, invest themselves enough to Get In The Way. Sometimes they challenge and push and we make each other crazy, because crazy is the price you pay to challenge your limitations.

Too bad we invest so much time and effort teaching kids to Go Along. Follow the rules, do what’s required, don’t challenge limits. Go Along makes things easier and smoother for the managers and the status quo. There’s not much evidence it leads to change, innovation, or growth. Or justice.

When folks Get In The Way, communities thrive and change. Things also become disrupted and uncomfortable, because you get fresh perspectives and new ideas.

Bureaucrats don’t like folks who Get In The Way. Neither do those who value law-and-order over authentic justice. They’d prefer Go Along.

Jesus was a Get In The Way guy who spoke out against injustice.

The law-and-order types killed Him.


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