Is It Okay To Move Forward?

So you got kicked in the teeth, or the gut, or some other sensitive spot.

It won’t go away, this sense of loss and disappointment. Perhaps it fades for a few moments, but then it returns and you’re certain it’s part of your new reality. You’re not going to “just get over it.”


I’ve been there the past few weeks. Perhaps you have, too, at some point. A conversation with my friend John last week helped me dig a bit deeper. As I reflected on our dialogue I recognized an internal resistance.

I created a false internal dichotomy. I could either be faithful and grateful or I could feel this sense of loss. In this self-inflicted internal conflict, the notion of moving forward somehow didn’t feel authentic.

It’s a lie, of course.

It’s okay to move forward.

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I’m grateful…for this amazing community, for all God’s done with the mess I made of my life. I get to work on this remarkable project called the FREEDOM TOUR and watch the fun stuff that happens when people become part of a story bigger than themselves.

I believe, more than ever, HOPE changes what’s possible. I believe God’s at work, even when I can’t see what He’s up to, and I trust Him to use current circumstances for good.

I believe in the power of ordinary folks like us, doing what we can, where we are, with what we have, to change the world.

Moving forward doesn’t mean you and I have to deny the pain from that kick in the sensitive spot. It doesn’t mean there won’t be times of struggle and doubt.

It does mean, as I’ve said before, that we’re each responsible for our own theology and nobody ever said it would be easy.

There’s always hope, and in all circumstances, hope changes what’s possible.

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