It’s Complicated

Once in a while I write something that raises interesting questions.

A couple of times recently I’ve said something like this:

Our $100,000 dream goal matters because the funds matter to the kids at the HOME OF HOPE. But reaching it or not doesn’t define the success of the FREEDOM TOUR because our DNA is community.

We focus on relationships and trust Jesus to take care of the kids, because that what He promised. Perhaps He’ll accomplish that by helping us raise a big bunch of money; perhaps He’ll do it another way. Either way, He’s got it covered.

So someone writes a note and says it sounds like we don’t really need to do fundraising. If Jesus will take care of it, why do we ask people to donate?

What’s YOUR response? I love tough questions. I love to know people read, think, and challenge.


Following Jesus is simple but rarely simplistic

We’re drawn to the simple story all aspects of life. We want things to work out in sound bites and bullet points. We want it so badly that millions buy the lie that political, theological, or any other complex truths can be distilled into a commercial.

They buy it, knowing it’s a lie, because it’s a comfortable lie, one that offers some sense of control in a chaotic world.

Jesus entered that same chaos, but He refused to provide a list of rules. Instead, John said Jesus was the word made flesh. To know the word you needed a relationship with Jesus, which happens partly through community…messy, hard, complex community.

How does all of that work for our kids at the HOME OF HOPE?

I absolutely believe He holds our kids in His hands. I also know we’re called to seek justice for the oppressed. I know He’s all-powerful and I know He chooses to work through flawed people like you and me.

I don’t know how that works. I know it’s complex. I know you and I can understand some of it and that the rest of it is filled with mystery and wonder.

I’m okay with that, with knowing what I know and letting God be God.

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