What’s Next?

nextNow THAT’S a crazy question, right?

Except, it’s not. Or perhaps a better way to say it would be “How do we continue?”

It’s a simple notion. The Home Of Hope is still open, the kids still need food, clothes, education, and shelter. None of that stopped at the top of Raton Pass. So, as crazy as it sounds, Becky and I are already talking about how the journey continues.

That doesn’t mean we’re ready to head out on another 500-mile bike ride next week. It does mean we’ve allowed ourselves to wonder what it would look like to raise an entire year’s support for the Home Of Hope. $100,000 is a big jump from where we are, but…where we are is a big jump from where we began.

And we keep reminding ourselves that it’s not about us anyway. We’re not in charge.

We have some ideas. Some feel safe and conventional; I’m not all that excited by them. Some seem outrageous, insane, crazy–as crazy as a quadriplegic cranking a handcycle the length of the Mississippi River.

However, crazy for the sake of crazy isn’t the point. The point was always stepping out in faith and following a God-inspired dream. Without that, it’s us doing our own thing. Don’t want that.

So What’s next? is really a prayer, a search for direction. We’re tossing out ideas and looking at possibilities. Mostly, we’re trying to listen.

Listening and waiting aren’t my strengths. Perhaps that’s part of the lesson.

Whatever’s next, you’ll be involved. This circle surrounds everything we do. I’m excited to see what part you’ll play in the next step.

We’re seeking ideas. What do you think might be next?

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