Watch How You Use SAG

2015 supportOn a cycle trip, SAG stands for “Support And Gear.”

I’ve learned, however, that “SAG team” might have other implications since our team is entirely post-40. So in the interest of personal safety, I’ve adopted the French term soigneurs for our support team.

On a cycle racing team, soineurs are responsible for the day-to-day needs of the cyclists–food, clothing, massages, transportation, and other personal needs. Our souneurs (l to r) are Deb, Mary, and Claire. (They’re smiling, but I think we’re on our own for massages.)

What’s special about our team is just that–we’re a team. You won’t hear anyone saying, “That’s your job.”

So the soineurs might plan or begin a meal, but everyone pitches in where they can. Loading and unloading trailers and toting gear is everyone’s job.

Ever gone on a vacation where others served you? It’s fun to sit back and let yourself be pampered at some level, even for a short time.

But I’ve learned something from sharing the FREEDOM TOUR with others. In this setting, when you don’t join in, you miss out. Being served without serving misses the entire point. The fun on this trip happens in doing things, not in watching others do them for you.

So our three soineurs play their essential roles and the cyclists play theirs. A community forms around serving others and serving God.

A bunch of kids halfway around the world don’t care who does what job–they’re just grateful for their new life at the HOME OF HOPE.

We need each other to get down the road–together on  journey of hope.

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