One More Drop

brighton2Yesterday a few of us from the FREEDOM TOUR team were invited to share the story.

In a Sunday school class the questions started easy, routes and where we sleep and how far we ride each day. As we settled in a bit, they wanted to know about our focus on human trafficking. So we told the story of our connection to Project Rescue’s HOME OF HOPE.

Spouting statistics get tiring, partly because they become overwhelming and partly because they’re so impersonal. I can’t know, touch, or do anything to impact 35 million people trapped in slavery.

Now we’re connected to 25 kids and the staff who supports them. We see their faces–I wish I could show them here, but that would put them in danger. One of our team members went to New Delhi last November, hugged the kids, and told them about our bike ride.

I can tell this Sunday school class about the miserable circumstances from which these kids were rescued, the new life they have now, and the hope they have for a bright future. 25 bright, shiny, precious little faces…that’s our focus on human trafficking.

In statistical terms, 25 kids out of 35 million slaves seems insignificant. Someone once remarked to Mother Teresa that what she was doing was only a drop in the bucket. She replied, “No, it’s a drop in the ocean. But if I didn’t do it there would be one less drop.”

Without this particular HOME OF HOPE, these kids wouldn’t have the hope and love of Jesus.

So FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR is just one more drop. We believe God uses drops like ours to form rivers that can wash away injustice and despair.

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