I’m In Favor Of…

get in the wayA few days ago I was interviewed by some college students for a class project.

They sent the questions in advance, but asked if it was okay to toss in follow-ups as we progressed. Of course I agreed.

These folks did their research. They knew a lot about my background and were prepared with interesting, thought-provoking inquiries.

At one point one young lady asked What are you in favor of?

Trying to seem profound, I replied, “I’m in favor of things that unite, as opposed to things that divide.”

As an example I offered the FREEDOM TOUR to support the kids at the HOME OF HOPE. Nearly everyone, regardless of background, can get behind that cause. Hard to imagine who wouldn’t support the idea of kids rescued from sexual slavery.

That interview got me thinking. I do believe, in general, that what unites is more important than what divides. However…

Sometimes you have to take a stand, make a ruckus, get in the way.

The bully must be confronted, whether it’s in school, church, business, or politics. Injustice cannot be tolerated.

I know. None of us can fix the world. Bullies in national government and hundreds of years of racism are likely beyond our reach.

But the bully in the workplace isn’t beyond our influence. You get what I’m saying. We all see (or choose to not-see) small, subtle and not-so subtle instances of racism, discrimination, bullying. And mostly, we choose to turn away. I do it, so do you.

Getting in the way might have short term personal costs. Turning away absolutely has long term costs.

Turning away allows domestic abuse, discrimination, racism, and human trafficking to flourish in local communities. If no one turned away, if we all got in the way…

I know, it’s idealistic, and until we get past that we’ll need places like the HOME OF HOPE.

Wouldn’t it be cool if GET IN THE WAY became one of those ideas that unite us?

Come to think of it, isn’t that sort of what Jesus had in mind?

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2 thoughts on “I’m In Favor Of…

  1. Dick DeCook - April 3, 2015

    I like the ring to “Get in the way”. I can see a Tshirts with that on it and other short statements placed on the diagonal like “Stop Injustice”. “Ask questions” “Take a Stand” etc.

  2. John Terpstra - April 2, 2015

    I liked today’s blog a lot. Made me think about the 5 references in Acts to the early church movement which was labled, the “Way”.
    Acts 9:2; 19:9; 19:23; 22:14; 24:22

    I have wondered occasionally why that name did not continue on after those first few decades.
    Get in the “Way” takes on new meaning in light of your reflection.
    Always appreciate what you have to share.

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