Can You See The Big Picture?

hill“I’m climbing this hill for someone else.”

I’ve been on a few team bike tours. Inevitably there’s that point in the middle of a tough hill on a hot day when somebody’s tempted to stop. They’re struggling, and just when you think they’ll pull over and give up they grab a drink or an energy bar and find some will to keep cranking.

And they say, “I’m not doing this for myself. I’m doing this so some kids I’ll never meet can be free.”

That’s the power of a dream. When you’re tired and sore and sure you can’t continue, the dream invites you to look up and see beyond immediate circumstances. The dream is all about hope based on faith in God’s promise to use and multiply our efforts.

We create a community based on shared sacrifice and encourage each other to climb hills. God uses our efforts to provide freedom and new life to a bunch of beautiful kids. That’s the dream.

The dream is a form of discipline, an invitation to remember the big picture when we’re tempted to get side tracked by smaller struggles. The dream offers an opportunity to remember the importance of the original vision.

I’ve talked to folks who gave up, and universally there’s at least a twinge of regret, of I wonder what would’ve happened if I’d gone a little farther.

When I talk to folks who stuck it out, faced the fear, and somehow got to the top–no one ever says I wish I would have quit.

Remember The Dream

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