The High Cost Of Cheap

thumbI spend a lot of time thinking about bike tours.

More accurately–I spend a lot of time thinking about how to get you involved in FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR. Not because it’ll help me, but because I sincerely believe becoming part of this community might be a life-changing experience for you and because together we can make a difference for some kids we’ll never meet.

Recently Becky and I were talking about ways to make the ride more accessible to more folks, and we both found ourselves tempted to water it down or make it a little easier. We went down that road for a few minutes, but thankfully we stopped.

We stopped because “easy” isn’t the point.

Our culture caters to an insatiable desire to be distracted and entertained. There’s always a cheaper, safer alternative. Why get out and take the risk when you can sit inside and play the video-game version?

Want a shortcut? No problem–there’s an app for that. Don’t want to sweat? Just pick a fantasy team.

We pay a high price for “cheap and easy.”

We pay in lost opportunity, deferred dreams, diminished relationships, and stories less remarkable than they might have been. We pay when we allow fear to confine us within the illusion of a “comfort zone.”

FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR isn’t the toughest bike tour around. We have a lot of fun, and there are many ways to get involved. I hope you’ll visit the website and find one.

But honestly, my goal isn’t to make it easy, because dream-following isn’t supposed to be easy.

My goal is to challenge you to become part of a community that empowers people to trust God, work together as servant leaders, and offer hope to others.

I want you to experience the joy of supporting the kids at Project Rescue’s HOME OF HOPE by raising funds and awareness.

Don’t join us because it’s easy. Join us because it’s a story worth telling.

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