What’s God’s Idea Of Big?

“I hope you’ll dream God-sized dreams.”

I said that to the men I spoke to yesterday. I’m convinced it’s God’s desire for each of us. I believe He wants each of us to write a remarkable story with our lives…but we need to be clear about what remarkable means in Kingdom terms.


A guy came up after all the commotion ended and asked if we could talk and pray together. He said his dream when he graduated was to start a system of sustainable urban community gardens in his home city where people could learn to grow and share healthy food. He’d thought a lot about how it might work, but now he wondered if his dream was too small to qualify as God-sized.


We talked about the number of disciples Jesus called, the number of years He spent teaching, the number of people He personally addressed. His ministry was about as God-sized as it gets, but the numbers would’ve embarrassed the average mega-church pastor.

“God-sized” isn’t about numbers or fame. It’s not about going viral or getting re-tweeted.

A dream is a God-inspired desire to use your unique gifts and talents to serve others and change the world.

This man wanted to serve the folks in his city by teaching them to grow healthy food and share it with others. He imagined a community where people learned about following Jesus by digging in dirt together.

Sounds like a God-sized dream to me.

Let’s never confuse “big and famous” with “God-sized.”

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