Kingdom Return On Investment

valueA new friend asked me about sponsoring RICH’S RIDE.

His request provided a great opportunity to re-examine our “value proposition,” a fancy way of defining what we offer in exchange for the dollars we receive. Our sponsors are incredibly generous, and the value proposition is how we make sure we’re accountable, responsible stewards.

The goal, on both sides of the partnership, is to provide the biggest possible bang for the buck, maximum value for minimum cost. What makes our partnerships so interesting, fun, and rewarding is that our team buys into a different sort of “value.”

The value proposition of RICH’S RIDE isn’t about measuring typical Return On Investment (ROI). It’s really not about the dollar value of website display, logos on our trailer, or media and event exposure.

Our value proposition is about sharing a message of hope with folks who aren’t sure hope even exists. It’s giving books about grace and following big dreams to people who can’t afford to buy them. It’s about encouraging community and church leaders to step out in faith and take big risks. It’s about sharing dreams with folks in some very dark places.

A few of you accepted the value proposition of An Offer You Can’t Refuse when you helped a guy from Harvest Farm join FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’14. The excitement at the farm grows as more men see what it’s like to join a crazy dream, which honestly is something many of them have NEVER done. (It’s not too late to click the link and sponsor a rider on this amazing team.)

I believe this is the sort of value proposition that happens in God’s economy. He takes dollars offered with the proper heart and multiplies them to create incredible value in kingdom terms.

I don’t know how to calculate Kingdom ROI. I’m grateful for you, for folks who don’t demand a number, who understand the value of hope and dreams even if it can’t be measured.

I’m grateful for my new friend who asked about sponsoring our crazy dream. His question took me back to the basics of why we do this.

A few years ago I had a dream about riding my handcycle 1500 miles along the Mississippi River. People appreciated the story and a lot of hungry kids were fed through Convoy of Hope because you were incredibly generous.

Amazing what God’s done with one bike ride, isn’t it? Thanks for joining us…Together On A Journey Of Hope.

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