An Offer You Can’t Refuse

farm1Okay, you can refuse, but I REALLY want you to get involved in FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’14.

It’s such a cool dream, this notion that we can work together to provide all of the yearly operational costs for every kid at Project Rescue’s HOME OF HOPE in New Delhi, India. Just imagine—we get to have a part of serving kids who’ve been rescued from the sex trade, making sure they have housing, food, aftercare, clothing, and education in a safe, nurturing environment.

Today I want to highlight one way you can join the team.

I’ve told you a bit (RICH’S RIDE Heads To The Farm) about doing an ongoing workshop at Harvest Farm, a working farm 15 miles north of Fort Collins where seventy guys grow food, tend animals, learn about Jesus, and find a path out of the darkness of addiction. It’s been a great experience and a tremendous blessing for me.

I told them about the bike tour, and several of them want to do the one-day ride. They’re excited to contribute to a mission project and be part of something outside their own rehab. It’s a great way of helping them integrate into the larger community.

However, in their current circumstances they have limited opportunities to raise the $100 fee, which covers their team jersey, SAG support, food, and donation to the HOME OF HOPE. And there’s your opportunity.

How about providing a sponsorship—or a partial sponsorship—for one of these guys? I guarantee they’ll appreciate it, likely more than you imagine. With one tax-deductible donation you’ll be part of the team, provide the opportunity for a guy to participate in the dream, and support the HOPE OF HOPE.

What could be better than that?

freedom 14 donate gearClick the chain ring to
make an online donation.

Just click the chain ring above.

  1. Complete the top of the form with your information
  2. Under TRIP PARTICIPANT’S NAME enter “Harvest Farm”
  3. Enter the amount of your donation in the bottom-left box
  4. Choose the “Front Range Freedom Tour” trip from the bottom-right drop-down box
  5. Click “Finish”
  6. A credit card payment form will come up. Fill in the information and click finish/submit
  7. You will receive an email receipt

Join us. It’s gonna be a blast!

Please leave a comment here.


2 thoughts on “An Offer You Can’t Refuse

  1. Kingdom Return On Investment - March 28, 2014

    […] few of you accepted the value proposition of An Offer You Can’t Refuse when you helped a guy from Harvest Farm join FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’14. The excitement at the […]

  2. Let’s Go Do Stuff Together - March 19, 2014

    […] example, the guys at Harvest Farm were overwhelmed when I told them strangers stepped forward to sponsor their ride. When you’re battling life-long addiction, when you’ve been in jail and lived on the streets, […]

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