Some Days…

gratitude…it’s hard to write because the ideas just won’t come.

Some days it’s hard because the house is filled with friends who dropped everything and showed up when they heard you had three inches of water in your basement.

So you’re grateful, but it’s hard to sit at a computer while people carry soaked boxes up the stairs. So you sit at the top and feel useless for a while until you realize this is just what you’ve been writing about all week.

Love does stuff!

And love lets others do stuff, because asking for help is part of the deal–especially when you can’t do stairs and your wife has her hand in a cast.

So the basement’s clean, the tide’s stopped rising, the fans are drying things out, and compared to the devastation that surrounds us we’ve experienced a pimple on life’s backside. My Grandma’s 1898 German Bible will dry, and I never really liked old yearbooks anyway.

And we’re grateful.

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1 thought on “Some Days…

  1. Paul Merrill - September 19, 2013

    Friends are great! And I’m glad you were able to see some up-sides to a challenging situation.

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