Show Up Today

not todayNote:I’m re-posting this because this film opens this weekend in northern Colorado.

I don’t worry much about things like “unwritten” rules, but one blogging rule has always made sense to me: Don’t recommend a book you haven’t read or a movie you haven’t seen.

Today, I’m breaking that rule. NOT TODAY opens May 24th in Fort Collins. Becky and I will be there, and if you’re in Northern Colorado I encourage you to be there as well. If not, check this list of cities for an opportunity to support this important film.

Here’s the official trailer:

Can’t see the video in your email or reader? Click here.

Why is your support of this film so important? Because we all know the deplorable practice of sex trafficking simply has to stop, and that begins with awareness.

Movies only stay in theaters by attracting crowds. If Christians show up to watch Gatsby or Iron Man, then Not Today will disappear. We need to vote with our ticket purchases, Tweets, and Facebook posts.

It’s really sorta simple. Not Today provides a chance to put our money, time, and attention where we claim our faith is.

I can’t vouch for the film itself. I can vouch for the cause on which it shines badly needed light.

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