Attack Of The Skunk-Ape!

Now that I’m out of the hospital, I can tell you the real story behind the infection.

In the Everglades there’s a strange creature known as a skunk-ape. Some say it’s mythical like Bigfoot, but that can’t be true because there’s an actual Skunk-Ape Research Headquarters. It looks a lot like a typical bar and tourist place, but the proprietor assured us they do serious research with science and evidence and everything. Why would he lie?

Anyway, I think one of these supposedly “mythical” creatures attacked me. I faintly recall a small, very fast little animal racing across the road right below me. I didn’t get a good look and didn’t think much about it, but looking back I remember a slight stinging on my leg.

Now I’m sure. I was obviously attacked and bitten by a skunk-ape!

The little monster’s bite went unnoticed, became infected, and you know the rest of the story. I should contact the guys at the Skunk-Ape Research Center. They’ll probably want to study my case.

I should also contact Rob and Jimmy from THE EDGE morning show on CALL FM in Miami. They told us about Skunk-Ape Research Headquarters. Without them I’d think my ride got disrupted by some random, unexplained infection.

# # #

Unfortunately, the story above isn’t true. Too bad. It’s better than “the ride got disrupted by some random, unexplained infection.”

We got the docs to agree to a late-night breakout from the hospital Saturday evening. We had a great time Sunday morning at Freedom Church in Tallahassee.

Monday and Tuesday we’ll do three speaking events in Panama City and Fort Walton Beach. Then we’ll evaluate how the wound’s healing and decide next steps.

As always, thanks for your prayers and support.

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4 thoughts on “Attack Of The Skunk-Ape!

  1. Better Than I Expected - March 20, 2013

    […] Most of you know our Florida tour was cut about 150 miles short when an infection of unknown origin landed me in a Tallahassee hospital. Personally, I’m sticking to the more glamorous story of a Skunk-Ape Attack. […]

  2. God-Opened Doors - March 18, 2013

    […] home. The tour’s over, except for some residual effects from the Skunk-Ape attack (click the link if you missed the […]

  3. Clark - March 4, 2013

    Skunk-Ape’s are the worst! Fortunately, they hate snow. Glad you’re out. 🙂

    1. Sue Bromley - March 4, 2013

      SOOOO glad you’re better! So worried. Remember the patience of Brom…take it easy! (Buffet too)

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