Can Service Be Fun?

A dream is the God-inspired desire
to share your unique gifts and passions
to serve others and change the world.

I don’t think I realized it was possible to work so hard and have so much fun.

That was my thought as we finished up this weekend. Becky and I were really busy signing and shipping books, meeting new friends and greeting old ones.

We talked to lots of folks about FLORIDA HOPE TOUR 2013, sold a few of our cool new cycle jerseys, and heard some wonderfully inspiring stories about confronting adversity, responding in faith, and moving forward with hope. Lots of people told us how much this crazy story inspires them.

Here are a couple of reflections from weekend conversations.

Worthwhile stuff isn’t necessarily supposed to be easy. I still fall into that trap and get discouraged when it’s harder than I expected. I tend to interpret obstacles as a sign that I’m doing the wrong thing when, in fact, obstacles may be telling me I’m on exactly the right path.

Worthwhile stuff shouldn’t come with a sense of obligation or drudgery. God wants us to serve with joy and love. We can serve within a community with a sense of shared sacrifice that doesn’t feel coerced or based in guilt. When we’re using our unique gifts and passions in service, it’s amazing how much we can enjoy working hard.

It’s so easy to lose sight of why we do what we do. We begin with good intentions, but we must be careful not to get sidetracked by numbers that don’t really matter.

The numbers we use as measureables rarely reflect the true purpose of what we’re doing.

What’s your experience? When have you worked hard, served, and had fun?

Please leave a comment here.

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