Your Mission Needs A Mission

Okay, that’s an odd title.

A while back, Pastor Mark Orphan made a powerful statement about a project we were discussing.

“We don’t have much long-term success when we do an activity for ourselves. People respond when there’s a cause, a reason for what we’re asking them to do that’s bigger than us or them.”

I think that’s a principle. A truly meaningful activity, one with lasting impact, has to involve some element of service to others.

Jesus came to serve. Servant leadership is probably the clearest revelation of God’s character, the value He places on each individual, and the lengths to which He’ll go to meet our needs. That’s God’s heart, and it’s an essential aspect of our DNA.

It’s not sufficient to do what I enjoy and what I’m good at. True long-term meaning comes from service.

I think this ingrained desire for “mission” explains the evolution of the third part of the RICH’S RIDE Mission:

Raise funds and awareness for worthy humanitarian causes.

Honestly, I don’t care much for fund-raising, and I don’t think I’m good at it. But here’s an interesting little observation from RICH’S RIDE. When I talked to folks on our journey along the Mississippi River, I never specifically asked for contributions to Convoy of Hope. We talked about their work, but soliciting donations wasn’t part of the discussion. And at the end of the ride, generous supporters had contributed nearly $60,000 to feed hungry kids!

Makes you wonder what might have happened if we actually worked at raising money.

Actually, that’s not true. What it really makes me wonder is why I’m so reluctant to simply do what God puts in front of me, to the best of my ability, and trust Him to multiply my efforts.

RICH’S RIDE is a whole lot of fun. I love the riding, and I love the circle of folks (that’s you!) that’s joined and supported us.

But RICH’S RIDE isn’t about Rich and it isn’t about a ride. It’s one small way to respond to a God-inspired desire to use my gifts and passions to serve others and change the world.

I hope you’ll accept our invitation to get involved. The next couple of posts will talk about some opportunities, and I hope you find one that appeals to you.

We’re partnering with amazing organizations like Convoy of Hope, International Justice Mission, and U-COUNT. They do the heavy lifting.

I just ride a bike.

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