
I wonder how many dreams have died because someone gave up on the edge of success.

Last week I had a couple of tough days. I think Becky and I are both a bit road-weary. Hotels, packing and unpacking, adjusting to new food and new places and changing weather—it’s all gradually wearing us down.

None of that’s a surprise, and we’re certainly not complaining. This amazing adventure continues to reveals unexpected blessings, but it’s still a lot of hard work.

One day last week I actually let myself wonder what would happen if I quit. Would people be angry or disappointed? What if I had a really good excuse for stopping?

So you’re wondering why I’d even consider giving up when we’re so close. It’s a good question, and it’s also true that a definite finish line helps a lot.

But what if that finish line wasn’t visible?

Most dreams don’t have a well-defined end. You have an idea and you don’t know exactly where or when or even if it’ll become anything more. In the words of our official theme song:

You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach
and you know it might not ever come your way.
Dream it anyway.

“You know it might not ever come your way.” That’s the part that makes it so hard to “dream it anyway.” You do the work, make the sacrifice, and endure the doubt—all while knowing it might amount to nothing. And when the tough days come, you wonder if you’re Don Quixote tilting at windmills. You wonder if this is the time to quit. You wonder if you’ve crossed that invisible line between visionary determination and insane stubbornness.

And always there’s that “what if” hanging out there. What if it’s right over the next hill, just around the next corner?

I don’t have an answer. But I believe dreams are worth chasing.

After all, someone wrote a book about Don Quixote.

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1 thought on “Almost

  1. Falvia Plumpp-Roberts - October 30, 2011

    Thank you for sharing with us today at Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church. It was so very inspiring. I will be following you on the web as you head to Natchez.
    May the Lord keep you, Becky and Monte in his care, and yes, his grace is relentless and extraordinary.

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