Does God Care About My Circumstances?

I’m wondering if the important things in life depend less on my circumstances and more on me becoming a better person.

What’s your take on this statement?

I’ve been listening lately to what people seem to pray about, what they ask others to pray about. I’ve been thinking a lot about the content of my own conversations with God.

It seems like I tend to pray mostly about circumstances.

How about you?

I’ve always wondered about praying for specific circumstances. It feels a bit like ordering room service from God—I’d like the good health for my family with a side order of financial stability, please. Seems sort of presumptuous, as though God doesn’t already know I want those things. Jesus said,

“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.” Matthew 6:31-32

It’s confusing. I believe He wants me to talk to Him about everything, every thought, every concern, every dream. But I have the sense that He also wants me to get beyond the concerns of the world. In the very next verse, Jesus continued,

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

My problem is that I want a formula and God wants a relationship. Relationships don’t work on rules. I can’t pray more about this and less about that and guarantee a closer walk with Jesus. He wants all of me, right where I am.

I still think I fuss too much about my circumstances, that I’m better off when I focus on becoming more like Jesus. But I’m human, and it’s likely
that the “stuff” of my life will always be part of my thoughts and concerns.

Does God care about my circumstances? Absolutely.

I’m astonished at the mystery that He who sees the beginning and end of time listens to me.

Astonished—and very, very grateful.

Do you ever wonder about the “right” things to pray about? How do you resolve your questions?

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