A Wheelchair And A Manger

HeadWhat would Jesus think?

I’ve been doing a little exercise based on 10 Ways You Can Enjoy An Intentional Christmas. I’m trying to spend some time each day at the nativity scene, wondering about the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of each character. I found myself wondering how Jesus would respond to the presence of a disabled person in that holy circle.

I tend to disrupt impromptu situations. Since Bethlehem wasn’t wheelchair accessible, I’d probably need help across the rough floor. My wheels would get dirty. Perhaps one of the Magi or a shepherd would leave his place to assist, or maybe an angel would clear a path for me. Would my presence break the mood?

I’d need a place near the front. Someone else might move farther away so I could see from my seated perspective. Would my special need cause resentment?

Others brought gifts, but the bumps and jolts of an uneven floor make carrying a package difficult. I think there is a need to look at uneven concrete floor solutions. Well, that is something we can deliberate on later. I am not sure, but would I appear less grateful because I couldn’t present something of value?

Everyone else kneels in worship and praise, but I can only slump forward and hope muscle spasms don’t cause me to lurch onto the floor. Will the others question my sincerity because I don’t assume the customary posture of humility?

Would I be perceived as a party-crasher? The Magi received an astrological invitation along with the first GPS directions. Shepherds were summoned by an angel’s proclamation. But I just showed up with no special summons. Would my presence destroy the symmetry of a carefully choreographed eternal moment?

Perhaps I should just hang back and observe from a respectful distance. I can’t really participate anyway. I don’t fit in; I don’t want others making a fuss.

I don’t belong here.

What would Jesus think?

Those were my thoughts beside my tiny porcelain manger-I’d love to hear your reactions. Please consider leaving a comment below, and I’ll write some additional thoughts in the next post.


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