Are you “one of those people who …”? I lived in schools for about fifty-two years. K-12, four years of college, and thirty-five years as a teacher—52 of my first 58 years, interrupted by brief stints to build houses (which I enjoyed) and rehab from my injury (which I enjoyed a lot less). Toss in […]
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Tend The Flame
Today we’re adding our voice to the One Word Blog Carnival hosted by Bridget Chumbley. I hope you’ll visit the carnival and check out the other attractions. This carnival focuses on … SUMMER For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good […]
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Happy Independence Day (in the U.S.). Here’s a link to the July 3, 2010 edition of Rich’s Semi-Regular Newsletter. I’d like to encourage you to consider the new initiative involving Relentless Grace. Thanks for all of your continued support. I hope you’re having a great weekend.
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**This article is a re-post from January 12, 2009. I’m re-visiting the archives while my wife and I enjoy a few days of vacation. Do you think of yourself as a fairly average person? One interesting aspect of working with young adolescents involves observing their efforts to discover and define their identity. It’s a fascinating, […]
Continue readingKids Say Some Amazing Things
What really makes you feel satisfied? I’ve been blessed with some amazing speaking gigs recently. I enjoy speaking to just about any audience that’s willing to listen, but I guess there will always be a soft spot in this old teacher’s heart for kids. Not sure if it’s their enthusiasm or innocent honesty or that […]
Continue readingSemi-Regular Newsletter 5.30.10
Happy Memorial Day! Here’s a link to the May 30, 2010 edition of Rich’s Semi-Regular Newsletter. It’s a gorgeous day in Colorado. I hope you’re having a restful weekend wherever you are.
Continue readingSemi-Regular Newsletter 4/27/10
Here’s a link to the April 27, 2010 edition of Rich’s Semi-Regular Newsletter. A (hopefully) interesting new magazine article and a request for HELP. Thanks for being part of the circle. I appreciate you, and I don’t say it frequently enough. Enjoy!
Continue readingThe Hardest Thing
What’s the hardest thing you’ve had to do? Have you ever wished you could gracefully get out of a situation? That’s how I felt when I arrived at my last speaking engagement.
Continue readingSemi-Regular Newsletter 3/31/2010
Here’s a link to the March 31, 2010 edition of Rich’s Semi-Regular Newsletter. This edition includes a humbling story and a new video. Amazing–a quarter of 2010 is history. Enjoy!
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Most people publish a newsletter on some sort of predictable, regular schedule. I tried that, but it seemed so ordinary. Besides, I kept missing my own deadlines. So–here’s a link to the latest edition of Rich’s Semi-Regular Newsletter. A couple of exciting developments in the works–enjoy!
Continue readingA Circle Of Great Love
We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love. Mother Teresa Are you grateful? One of the amazing benefits of this work is meeting and connecting with truly remarkable people. Recently I’ve encountered some especially inspirational folks who’ve blessed and enriched my circle. I want to tell you about […]
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What would Jesus think? I’ve been doing a little exercise based on 10 Ways You Can Enjoy An Intentional Christmas. I’m trying to spend some time each day at the nativity scene, wondering about the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of each character. I found myself wondering how Jesus would respond to the presence of a […]
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