
Happy Monday! This weekend brought a wonderful example of today’s word-of-the-week… GENEROSITY Becky and I met a man named Garrett Saturday morning. He heard from a friend about RICH’S RIDE and wanted to know more about the story behind the dream. We spent less than an hour talking about our trip along the Mississippi River, […]

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Call To Action

In Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs, Pepsi CEO John Scully recounts Jobs’s pitch to join Apple. According to Scully, Jobs issued a challenge. “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?” In some way, we all face a similar […]

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Rich’s Semi-Regular Newsletter–IJM Edition

It’s time to begin seriously ramping up for the next chapter in Rich’s Ride. Our team will converge on Cincinnati in about six weeks for IJM Freedom Tour. I hope you’ll plan to follow the team through the Rich’s Ride blog. I know we’ll meet great people, share inspiring stories, and learn about the people touched by International […]

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Cincinnati To DC

It’s been a busy week for RICH’S RIDE! First, my handcycle was stolen from my garage on Tuesday (When Someone Steals). So lots of folks looked and prayed, and we attracted a bunch of media attention. On Friday police found and returned it. I’m grateful to have it back, and even more grateful that nobody […]

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Elk River Day (Part 2)

I’m sharing some excerpts from my in-progress manuscript about Rich’s Ride. You can check out previous posts here. # # # # # I’ll confess to being a bit overwhelmed as the group gathered on Friday evening. It’s one thing to be invited to address a previously scheduled event, but these folks just showed up, […]

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Who Belongs?

Note: as I process my experience from Rich’s Ride I’ve been writing some of my thoughts about accessibility and inclusion. Previous articles include Ain’t No Normal and An Able Bodied World? One of the surprises we encountered during Rich’s Ride was a church with a designated seating area for folks with “special needs.” We weren’t […]

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Done With The Chair

Becky and I have this morbid humor between us about some of the things we say related to disability. We chuckle when she asks me to “run to the store” or tells me “don’t step on Monte’s tail.” The other day I was getting on my bike, using my wheelchair for balance. Becky asked, “Are […]

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Cruisin’ Into Quincy

A few fun things happened on Tuesday. Our good friends Glenn and Judy joined us for the second day. You’ll see Judy and hear Glenn in the video below. Glenn and I did 45 miles from Keokuk, Iowa to Hannibal, Missouri. The first 32 miles followed a wonderful route known by locals as “Bottom Road.” […]

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