It’s Hard To Avoid…

…becoming cynical. …the temptation to fight back. …dividing the world into winners and losers. …believing winning matters more than anything  else. …letting disappointment become anger. …letting the anger effect other parts of life. …refusing to let it go. …demonizing everyone on the other side. …the desire to go beyond winning and harm your enemies. …losing […]

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Just Listen

“Why don’t we just listen?” Heard that question a lot lately. Someone has a difficult story, and others wonder why simply listening seems beyond our cultural capability. I get it. Even in ideal circumstances, deep, non-judgmental listening takes a great deal of effort. Put the story in an emotionally-charged (or politically-charged) situation and one has […]

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These Three Remain…

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” When you spend some of your final minutes making this kind of point, it’s probably pretty important. Earlier Jesus said it’s THE MOST IMPORTANT commandment, the one upon which everything else depends. LOVE is clearly Jesus’ most central, most […]

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A Living…Or A Life?

I recall only one detail from my 1969 campus tour at Iowa State University. Friendly student ambassadors explained procedures and traditions as they showed us around the main buildings. Here’s ISU’s Memorial Student Union, a wonderful, grand building dedicated to graduates who perished during WWI. Lots of history, a place of beauty and reverence. In the […]

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Couch Courage

BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS! Are you? We’d like to follow this biblical encouragement passed from Moses to Joshua to all of us. Who doesn’t want to be *courageous*? Stand for justice? Save the kid from a burning building? Take a bullet for a friend? Followers of Jesus are courageous…right? “Take courage. I AM. Don’t be […]

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Are The Times A-Changin?

“Those kids are INCREDIBLE!” Maybe you’re heard a similar sentiment lately. Maybe you’re among those who are surprised as passionate, articulate young people step forward following another tragedy to claim #neveragain. We’ve heard all about how these spoiled, entitled millennials with noses buried in their phones would be the end of civilization. Sort of like […]

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When You Need A Shepherd

Grief’s a funny thing. Not funny/haha but funny/ironic. Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross demonstrated that grief progresses through similar stages across cultures, but no two individuals navigate their grief in precisely the same manner. It’s a completely universal human experience, yet we each experience it in our own unique manner. In a recent memorial service the pastor […]

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