Living A Worthwhile Story

An interesting story always—ALWAYS—involves conflict. At its core, a compelling story follows a character who wants something and has to overcome conflict to get it. Conflict, in this instance, is anything that impedes progress toward the goal. We certainly didn’t PLAN to climb a fence to get around a closed trail, but the story lies […]

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Judah And Dan

Traditions are the basis of great stories. When a group moves down the road, they obviously need a leader to make sure they follow the correct route. Equally important, they need someone to watch their backs, look out for stragglers, and make sure no one gets left behind. On many tours this person is called […]

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Raton Pass 2014

I enjoy the traditions we’re developing as FRONT RANGE FREEDOM Tour grows. Three of those traditions involve climbing Raton Pass, a team celebration at the summit, and a video with a special sound track that allows you to share a bit of this day. This video contains wonderful memories of a great accomplishment for our […]

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Wrapping Up

We’re in recovery mode this morning. It’s a good feeling, looking back, tearing down, wrapping up. Lots of stories still to be told, but today I want to leave you with images of the team’s climb of Raton Pass on Saturday. We began with our final HELMETS UP as a reminder of the One in […]

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Racing Or Touring?

Former Texas basketball coach Abe Lemons once joked that track was a simple sport to coach. “Just tell ‘em to turn left and get back as fast as they can.” Some folks approach a bike tour with a similar mentality—follow the directions and get to the end as fast as you can. That’s a perfect […]

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It’s Time For A Cliche

Clichés become clichés because they’re true. Yeah, they’re overused and trite, and we deploy them too often when we don’t know what else to say. But all that doesn’t reduce their truth. FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’14 begins in five days. There are about a million items on the checklist. It would be easy to […]

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A Time To Reflect

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) There’s a time to move boldly ahead, and a time to pause and reflect on the path you’ve traveled. In seven days our team will gather to begin the tour. The heavy lifting’s mostly complete, and we have a […]

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It Might Not Work

You might pray and trust God with all your heart and still not reach your goal. You might get rejected. You might try and fail. Your dream may not turn out as you imagined. It’s okay. The world wants odds of success before committing. But the question at the beginning ought to be “Is this […]

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A Time To Rest

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) I think we tend to fight the seasons of life. We want to sow at harvest time and speak when we ought to be silent. It’s about our desire to be in control, which is rooted in fear. We’re […]

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We’re Blessed To Be A Blessing

We’re surrounded by an incredible circle of support. You don’t do something like FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR or RICH’S RIDE on your own. Those things happen in communities, and occasionally I shake my head in amazement at the power of a community to follow and accomplish big dreams. Every big endeavor has corporate sponsors. Those […]

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