Here’s A Choice We All Make

sheepI love this picture.

We use it throughout our workshop at Harvest Farm. The first time I show it I ask the guys what the sheep might be thinking.

What’s your first reaction?

Some of the responses are fairly predictable.

Don’t look down!

This isn’t fair.

How did I get myself into this mess?

Holy crap!

After we joke a little, the answers get a bit more thoughtful. In the most recent group I thought it was interesting when one guy said, “I bet he’s thinking, ‘Hey God, thanks for the rock.’”

That wouldn’t have been my first thought.

We revisit the sheep and his predicament several times, and it’s one of the last images I show as we wrap up. I’ve been thinking about this closing message as we prepare for Wisconsin Hope Tour.

The sheep can wait for God to rescue him, complain about how unfair his situation is. He might simply say It’s not fair and quit right where he is.

sheep excuse

But the sheep does have another choice.

sheep story

Imagine this guy sitting around showing this photo and telling the other sheep about his adventure while they stare in awe. You could have died! I could never do something like that!

rich monte storyBut our hero knows he’s really not a hero. He just did what was in front of him. He trained and prepared, and when the time came he trusted and moved forward. What looked like a big deal was really just doing what he could, where he was, with what he had.

Of course it was risky, but the risk was better than huddling in the pen with all those other sheep. He wanted his life to tell a remarkable story.


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