Can you imagine a worse fate than struggle with no purpose? Last week I spoke to a group of seniors. One question I always ask myself before a talk is, “What can I tell these folks that will be useful?” My first answer is usually Not Much, but I try to move on anyway. I […]
Continue readingCategory: About Relentless Grace
Reflection On Tucson
Do you ever wonder how God sees you? Sometimes I wonder how, or why, God would care about me. I understand the psalmist’s question: When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human […]
Continue readingGood Without God?
Is “good” always good? I’ll bet you received a lot of “year-end” messages from different organizations seeking a final funding push. One that caught my attention was an appeal to join in combating their perception of a growing movement called “good without God.” I was invited to sign an online declaration—and of course to send […]
Continue readingHow To Find Faith
Have you ever noticed that some things are hard to get unless you already have them? We’re spending Christmas week on a snowy Midwestern farm. Yesterday the kids were preparing for a sledding expedition and one of the little guys realized his boots were in the car. A foot of icy, wet snow covered the […]
Continue readingUnexpected Grace
Are you willing to surprise someone with unexpected grace? Our pastor asked that question yesterday. I hate it when a speaker tosses out a nugget like that—I don’t think I heard much of the rest of his message. Surprised by unexpected grace. That’s precisely what God did for me. I truly believed I’d wasted the […]
Continue readingSmall Business Saturday
Happy Weekend! I’m told that today is a brand new holiday. This very day has been branded “Small Business Saturday.” SBS is our opportunity to kick off our gift shopping by supporting the small businesses that have struggled through recent economic hard times. I’m not sure we need another “special” day, but supporting small business […]
Continue readingPavement…
…isn’t all that precious. Does it ever strike you that you treasure the wrong stuff? This week I’m trying to focus on my belief in Abundance. I’m afraid that there’s a big space between my intellectual belief and my habitual attitudes. An objective observer might not conclude that I operate consistently from an abundance mentality. I […]
Continue readingTeaching Me
When we are young or immature, right theology makes us feel superior, but when we are older and more mature, a study of theology makes us feel inferior and unworthy, undeserved, and grateful. Don Miller Do you ever think about the life-changing lessons you learned as a kid? I’m not talking about words and facts […]
Continue readingResident Aliens
Do you ever feel like you just don’t belong? Here’s some potentially shocking news: you don’t. You and I are strangers in a strange land. We live in enemy-occupied territory. It won’t always be that way—the rightful leader will be back one day. But what are we supposed to do in the meantime? Christians seem […]
Continue readingRetreat And Reflect
Majestic. The dining room of this old lodge overlooks the entire valley. The cloudless sky is an impossible shade of blue. Across the valley some aspens are just beginning to turn, splashes of gold amidst the deep green pines. Aside from a narrow dirt road and an occasional four-wheeler heading into the national forest, there’s […]
Continue readingEdit: Stories Worth Telling Part 5
Have you shared your story? Everyone has a story worth telling. You may never know the impact your story might have in another life. Some people can’t imagine sharing their story—too embarrassed or shy, afraid nobody will care. Others can’t resist any opportunity to spill their guts. Either extreme reduces the potential positive impact, so […]
Continue readingRisk: Stories Worth Telling Part 4
“Nobody could possibly understand how it feels.” “If people knew what I really think, they wouldn’t want to be near me.” “I’m sure I’m the only person who feels like this.” “I can’t let anyone know what I’ve done. They’d despise me.” Have you ever said, or thought, any of these? I have. My guess […]
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