A Big Ol’ House

Yesterday I wrote about Identity. I’m thinking about who I am, or more accurately who I try to be. I know who I  am—I’m a mess. True, but not very helpful. So the question is: who do I try to be? In other words, what do I (try to) value? Here’s one conclusion: I (try to) value inclusion. […]

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Lessons About Forgiving

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34 Last time (Can’t Forgive) I offered two stories about forgiving. Here are a few of the things I’ve tried to learn from those stories. Forgiving only happens when I somehow reach the difficult understanding that life isn’t about me. […]

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Can’t Forgive

“Some actions just can’t be forgiven.” It was a long time ago, in the midst of horrible circumstances, when a pastor said those six words to me. I thought he mis-spoke. I asked him to repeat. He said it again, clearly and slowly and deliberately. “Some actions just can’t be forgiven.” At the time I didn’t […]

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Who’s Special?

Yesterday (Great Grape Or Second Banana) I wrote about using our unique gifts. I’d like to expand a bit. The more I think about it the more I’m convinced that the notion of “special needs” isn’t biblically sound. My friend Tim pastors a church in Denver, and he talks a lot about the “Y’all Come […]

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Great Grape Or Second Banana

I’ve been invited to speak at a church in Boulder, Colorado this weekend. The topic is Rich’s Ride and how it relates to people with special needs in the church. I’ll write a bit more about my actual message tomorrow. Today I simply want to express my gratitude. This picture shows perhaps the most difficult […]

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I Just Don’t Always Know

Yesterday (Maybe I Just Can’t See) I told you the wonderful story of my friend Kelli and her long-term recovery from cancer. I wondered if perhaps Kelli’s ability to not only survive but thrive was a one-degree miracle. A reader sent a great question: Why did you include “perhaps”? Of course this was a miraculous […]

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No Room At The Inn

I’m fascinated by nativity scenes. I know they’re mostly historically inaccurate. I know they romanticize and condense and even fictionalize a very messy episode. I know Jesus’ birth was nothing like the shiny porcelain portrayal on the mantle. But I’m still drawn to it as I think about Christmas. I guess, for all its idealized […]

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Who Gets On The Platform?

One of the inspiring people we met was a pastor in a wheelchair. He fell from a ladder while painting a house. His injury left him totally paralyzed below his neck with absolutely no use of arms or hands. But his physical limitations didn’t paralyze his heart or his spirit, and he’s served as senior pastor of his church for several years.

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Get In The Spirit

(Note: I’m posting this on both blogs. Sorry if you received it twice.) So … did you get out into the madness of Black Friday? I’m never quite sure what to do with the day after Thanksgiving. After an overdose of turkey and being stuffed with stuffing, after football and naps and pumpkin pie, after […]

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One Soul

Occasionally someone asks how I know I’m making a difference. The short answer … mostly I don’t. I receive significant feedback that encourages me, but often I can’t really know the ultimate impact of my words. As a teacher I learned to accept that uncertainty. You do your best and then you have to let it […]

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Angry At God?

Have you ever been angry with God? Last week I spoke to an amazing group of kids. Reality Youth Center serves young people from tough environments. Poverty, abuse, neglect, absent parents—nearly every member of the audience has experienced a challenging childhood. After I told them about my injury, I confessed that I spent a lot […]

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