
Happy Monday! A school habit brings us today’s word-of-the-week… TESTS We all learned to study for tests. School was easy, really. You learned the lessons, then took the test. Good teachers explained the material well. Good students studied and prepared for the test. The purpose of the test was to see if you learned the lesson. If […]

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You Will Get Tired

“Didn’t you get tired?” I told the story of my 1500-mile Mississippi River handcycle ride to a group of men earlier this week, and I guess I glossed over the hard parts. When you talk about a big dream, it’s easy to recall sunshine and smooth roads. I did get tired. A lot. And here’s a funny […]

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Happy Monday! Something behind the scenes brings us today’s word-of-the-week… HONOR Perhaps you’re aware of a football game that was played yesterday. Something like 180 million people watched the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers play Super Bowl 50. Whether you measure in dollars spent of chicken wings consumed, the Super Bowl is a unique American spectacle. Nearly lost in […]

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When Equal Isn’t Quite Equal

I’ve been in a courtroom a couple of times in the past few weeks. Observing a friend’s partial journey through the system, and surveying other cases while we waited, got me thinking about fairness and justice. It’s interesting to watch judge and attorneys work together to apply the law equally while accounting for each person’s […]

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I Wish We Could Go Back…

Can you imagine Jesus pointing us back to “the good old days”? I can’t. The idea of striving for a return to an imaginary past in which everything was somehow better doesn’t fit at all with following Jesus as I understand Him. Jesus is about moving forward, about taking risks. He’s about an unfolding story of […]

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Happy Monday! Two ways of framing a question brings us today’s word-of-the-week… HOW “How can someone do that to another human being?” Good question. When we see torture, slavery, child sexual abuse, it’s easy to wonder what special sort of evil invades the heart of a person who perpetrates such vile, unimaginable acts. Good question, but not […]

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Not My Job

It’s not my job to manage or control another person. It’s my place to listen, patiently, and try to understand. It’s not my job to tell another person what to do. It’s my place to hear his dilemma and help him clarify the options. It’s not my job to be certain what I’d do if I […]

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Guilt And The Least Of These

Ever felt a little guilty for “not doing enough”? Ever been bonked with a “you’re going to hell” scripture aimed at pushing you to to sign up or open your wallet? Ever felt like you’re supposed to eradicate poverty, solve racism, eliminate human trafficking, or at least feel bad about not trying? Ever wonder if you’re […]

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Happy Monday! I’m absolutely sure about today’s word-of-the-week… UNCERTAINTY We need to embrace uncertainty. We want our answers in neat little packages. Most of the time, truth can’t be reduced to a 10-word slogan. Real solutions can’t be captured in 30-second sound bites. As followers of Jesus, of course we believe in certain absolute truths. We should […]

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