If you can imagine the worst–and see the possibility in it–you have turned a corner. Everything begins to shift. Worry is transformed into creativity. Michael Hyatt Are you as burned out on negativity as I am? I’ve basically stopped watching television news. My radio mostly blares mindless sports talk these days. I scan a few […]
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Palm Sunday–the day the Jews welcomed Jesus with cheers and celebration. This is a special day for Christians, the beginning of Holy Week. It’s a bittersweet day on which immediate joy mingles with the knowledge of impending disaster.
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My wife and I received an interesting invitation a few days ago. A friend asked if we had anywhere to go for Easter.
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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ~ Edmund Burke This blog has developed an interesting personality.to my previous thoughts concerning President Obama’s remark that his bowling style “looks like the Special Olympics.” A few folks asked a question that went something like this: “When […]
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Like many folks, I’ve followed the recent commentary concerning President Obama’s remark that his bowling style “looks like the Special Olympics.” I suppose my seat in a wheelchair increases my interest in the President’s comment and the controversy surrounding it. I think this incident offers an important opportunity to examine the nature of our public […]
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“If it bleeds, it leads.” It’s a fundamental staple of journalism–bad news sells. Everyone says they want to hear more good news, but objective data tell a different story. Audiences gravitate to controversy, crime, and crashes.
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Here’s another insightful question from my recent interaction with high school kids: “Is it hard for you to speak in places where you can’t talk about your faith?”
Continue readingWhere’s The Healing?
Why doesn’t God heal me? Why doesn’t He fix this relationship? Why doesn’t He stop the pain, the struggle, or the grief? At the risk of sounding trite, I think He does. I’m absolutely convinced that God does heal and fix and comfort. But it’s frequently not the sort of healing we expect or the […]
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Last week I spoke with a group of high school students at a wonderful event called Abilities Day. One of the great questions they asked was, “How should we approach someone who appears to need help so we don’t offend them?”
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Occasionally I let myself get overwhelmed by the awesome responsibility of representing Christ in the world. Last week I talked about letting my actions speak for me, but I’m afraid that I’m not happy with the message communicated by my behaviors.
Continue readingWorry
One of my long-time friends, a guy I’ve known since the prehistoric days of junior high school, had brain surgery this morning. Some undiagnosed physical issues pointed to the possibility of a tumor, so, in my friend’s words, “The doctors are going fishing to see if they can determine the nature of the unknown tenant.”
Continue readingHow will They Know Us?
“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” I listened as a speaker explained the “60-20” principle, claiming that when we initially meet someone we have sixty seconds to create a lasting impact. The first twenty seconds focuses on appearance, the next twenty on behavior, and the final twenty on words.
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