Some Days

Some days you get stuff done early. The blog post is complete, the email’s all answered, and you’re just on top of everything. Some days are Friday and you needed some extra sleep and you just need to be honest about it. Today is Friday. Yesterday’s ride was … fine. Long stretches of highway, no […]

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Avoiding Burnout–Repost

This article originally appeared on July 15, 2010. I needed to re-visit and apply the contents to this intense bike ride. Do you have a purpose? A sense of purpose is absolutely essential to any great endeavor. People will stretch the limits of endurance and sacrifice for a purpose in which they believe. I’d like to look […]

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Some people …

… will never get it. Whatever “it” is for you—maybe a dream or a passion or an idea—some people will never get it. As we get more media attention for Rich’s Ride the common question is “Why?” And no matter how carefully I explain, the headline says something like “Guy Rides To Raise Money For […]

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Too Busy?

Hi. My name is Monte, and I’m Rich’s service dog, the good-looking one in all those photos. Rich asked me to write some blog posts for him, so I guess I’m your official Thursday blogger for the next few weeks. Not exactly sure why—something about being “too busy” with some big project. Since I’m going […]

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What Keeps Me Accountable?

What (or who) keeps you accountable? People keep asking me why I’m doing this ride. I’m finding that my internal answer is evolving as the journey begins. It’s true that this project fulfills a personal dream, that we’re having a lot of fun, that it’s a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. I’m grateful for all that, but the […]

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Happy Monday! I invite you to share today’s word-of-the-week… BLASTOFF The day’s finally arrived. This morning at 9am (CT) we’ll depart from Lake Itasca State Park on our 1500-mile odyssey. It’s time for blastoff of this crazy dream. I’m incredibly grateful to everyone who’s joined the circle and made this day possible. My wife Becky […]

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Time To Begin

It’s time. After months of planning, dreaming, wondering if it could really happen–today the journey begins. We’ll be in Lake Itasca State Park at about 8:00 am. We’ll speak to the press, take some cheesy photos, and make last-minute preparations. At about 9:00 am (CT) we’ll be off. Thanks for joing in, for following along, […]

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