Two good friends reminded me of an important truth this weekend. Everyone needs hope, and a lot of people don’t know where to find it. Since we began the journey of RICH’S RIDE I’ve talked to social workers, therapists, doctors, pastors, prison workers, pastors, mental health professionals, and addiction specialists. These folks work with people […]
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Happy Monday! An impromptu road trip prompts today’s word-of-the-week… SHARE Becky and I made a spur of the moment trip to Iowa last week. Twenty-two hours staring through the windshield at I-80 provided a lot of time to think. I found myself observing how I treat other drivers. I don’t always slow a bit to […]
Continue readingA Parable About Simple
What if the Kingdom is as simple as seeds planted by a Master Gardener? The seeds sprout. They become the plants they were destined to become. They produce their particular fruit. It’s not complicated. God knows He planted seeds of love, so He knows the kinds of plants and fruit His garden will produce. He […]
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“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets […]
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Happy Monday! Occasionally I’m inspired by my own words, which prompt today’s word-of-the-week… TEST We count stuff. We count money, blood pressure, and the number of trips we’ve made around the sun. Some folks count pounds lost, hours wasted, books read, or golf balls lost. Others count miles cranked on a bike or progress toward […]
Continue readingDo You Keep Score?
How do you measure success? We all know it’s important to create our own targets. Nothing’s more self-defeating than constantly trying to meet others’ expectations. But even when you define success on your own terms, it’s tempting to succumb to the cultural obsession with scorekeeping. We need to be careful about what we count, because […]
Continue readingOne Small Act Of Love
People occasionally ask how we chose the social justice organizations we partner with for RICH’S RIDE. Honestly, we simply identified causes we’re passionate about and organizations we trust. We absolutely love the people and the work accomplished by Convoy of Hope. There’s something especially unfair about a hungry child. We’re honored to partner with this organization […]
Continue readingA Lazy Way To Bike
“If you’re going to lie down, why not stay home and take a nap?” “Looks like a pretty lazy way to ride a bike.” “I wish I could just lie down on my bike.” At least once every couple of weeks some well-meaning rider tosses out this kind of casual comment as I’m cranking along. […]
Continue readingHow Can God Care About Little Stuff?
It was a feel-good article titled The Mystery Man At Miller Park. Brief summary: a mom thanked an anonymous young man who went out of his way to make her son feel special during a Milwaukee Brewers baseball game. The article included this blessing: When my wiped-out children were tucked into bed last night, I […]
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Happy Monday! A blog comment prompts today’s word-of-the-week… BIG How big is God? Whatever your answer…He’s bigger than that. A lot bigger. Human minds don’t deal well with infinity. As a math teacher, I talked to calculus students about infinite processes, and mostly they thought of “infinite” as “really, really big.” Honestly, I’m not sure […]
Continue readingWhat If You Don’t Have A Cool Bike?
I’ve always learned a lot from young people. For thirty-five years I got paid (not a lot) to teach math to kids. I usually learned more from my students than they learned from me. For instance, one kid showed me how to “text” one-handed, during class, while your phone’s in the back pocket of your […]
Continue readingWhat To Do When You Mess Up
Apparently it’s the season for public scandal. Politicians, athletes, and media figures seem to be lining up to provide the latest highly visible lapse in personal or professional judgment. Personal indiscretions, performance enhancing drugs, political cover-ups—if not for the tragic consequences, the stream of indignities would be laughable. It’s like a reality TV competition—How Low […]
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