I’m Glad I Didn’t Know

If I’d known how hard it would be, I probably wouldn’t have done it. I’ll bet you’ve said—or thought—that. The marriage, raising kids, that career change, starting the new business—I’ll bet there’s something you did simply because you really didn’t know what you were getting into. I knew the pass I climbed yesterday would be […]

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Opening Credits

RICH’S RIDE is the story of a dream. We’re in Taos, and Wednesday we’ll start writing the next chapter in the story as we head south toward Santa Fe. It’s time to begin TAOS TO TUCSON. I’m excited. Starting Wednesday morning (if all goes well) the link below will open a web page that shows […]

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Happy Monday! We’re hitting the road to Taos, and I’m thinking of today’s word-of-the-week HOME This is the first tour I feel like I’m going to miss being home. A few weeks ago we spoke at a local church about small group leadership. That evening prompted me to reflect on how blessed Becky and I […]

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Going Beyond The Words

I’m an impatient reader. It’s a curious weakness, and it doesn’t matter much what kind of material I’m reading. I might begin with good intentions, but as soon as I start reading I find myself looking for the end. This bad habit makes studying difficult. I blast through the words, but often realize I’ve little […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! Too much water brings us today’s word-of-the-week… COMPARE Colorado just experienced what some scientists call a 500-year flood. In a semi-arid climate, some areas received more than a normal year’s worth of rain in twenty-four hours. However you categorize it, things are a mess. People died. Entire towns are literally unreachable. Hundreds of […]

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