“Do you believe everything happens for a reason?” The questions following our presentation at Teen Challenge/Tucson got progressively deeper and more intense. Then the guy in the front row took the discussion to a new level. I love the question. I’m just not sure I’m the right guy to provide the answer. But I’ve learned […]
Continue readingDo You Assume You Know Their Story?
Lonnie was a curmudgeon in a wheelchair. Some would say we were kindred spirits. Lonnie built a successful business after being diagnosed with MS. He was a smart entrepreneur and a hard worker, and he had one personal pet peeve. “Why do people assume, because I’m in a wheelchair, that I’m either ignorant or indigent?” […]
Continue readingCelebrate
HAPPY MONDAY! The end of a long, enjoyable journey brings us today’s word-of-the-week… CELEBRATE A relaxing 42-mile ride on Saturday closed out the 500 mile bike ride portion of TAOS TO TUCSON 2013. When you complete a big goal, you celebrate. It’s important to mark important milestones with parties, special meals, and joyful gatherings. For me, […]
Continue readingHome Of Hope
Last evening we were honored to speak to clients at the Teen Challenge HOME OF HOPE in Casa Grande. As Becky unloaded the trailer I looked at the sign and thought, “That’s what every home should be about.” Every home should be a home of hope. Hope isn’t a wish, like “I hope I win […]
Continue readingWho Cares How It Used To Be?
On this trip people have started saying I’m “slowing down.” This is Monte, dropping in for my occasional guest post. If you aren’t a long-time follower of RICH’S RIDE, we share a little secret here: I’m really able to understand everything Becky and Rich say. This “slowing down” thing apparently has something to do with […]
Continue readingDon’t You Get Bored?
“Do you ever get tired of telling your story?” The young woman told me she was studying to be a teacher and she worried she’d become bored covering the same subject matter year after year. “You must have repeated this presentation many times, but you seem so passionate about it. How do you do that?” […]
Continue readingWhat’s With The Tears?
I started Monday with tears. We were invited to speak to about forty guys at Teen Challenge Phoenix. Before we began we got the honor of watching two men graduate from this phase of the program. These guys made the courageous choice to confront addiction. Several months ago they walked into an unfamiliar environment with […]
Continue readingMessage
HAPPY MONDAY! A lot of words make up today’s word-of-the week… MESSAGE I was honored to deliver the message yesterday at Faith Assembly Church in Phoenix. We had a great time, and I hope I said something worthwhile. If you’d like to watch, the link below shows a streaming video of the service. (FYI: my […]
Continue readingA Sunday Message
You’ll need to grab a cup of coffee for this one. As I told you last week, I was honored to deliver the message yesterday at Faith Assembly Church in Phoenix. We had a great time, and I hope I said something worthwhile. If you’d like to watch, the link below shows a streaming video […]
Continue readingTeen Challenge And New Life
We’ve met some really special people on this trip. Friday morning our lives were enriched by a group of men at Teen Challlenge New Life Ranch in New River, Arizona. If you don’t know about Teen Challenge, it’s a highly effective residential program for men who want to resolve substance abuse issues. We did a […]
Continue readingEver Hugged A Wounded Porcupine?
On this trip I’ve talked a lot about trying to hug a wounded porcupine. It reminded me of this material. adapted from a post that originally appeared April 16, 2010. The basic question is: Why bother? Ever cuddle a puppy? They curl up in your lap and lick your face. Everything about a puppy is […]
Continue readingWhat Do You Learn?
I learn so much from these rides. I try to share the important stuff here because I hope you’ll learn something as well. In the last couple of days I’ve learned at least three lessons that might serve all of us. # # # Stay open to the opportunities God places in your path. Thursday […]
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