Where’s God When…?

It’s probably the most common question about God. Even people who don’t believe in Him wonder why He allows bad stuff to happen. I’ve been there. I’ll bet you have as well. I became unsatisfied with platitudes. When you’re drowning in despair, “It’s all part of God’s plan” really doesn’t help much. So I put my […]

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Jesus Isn’t About Fake Smiles

Ever have a week when you wish you could hit the delete button? I’ve spent most of the last few days feeling like the entire world is out to get me. Every little task seems monumental, every obstacle insurmountable. I’m just plain sick and tired of the whole thing…whatever that means. What’s strange is that […]

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Maybe This Explains Why We Wander

I’ve always admired poets. Poetry expresses ideas with an elegance I never quite mastered. I can’t create it, but I appreciate the manner in which a skilled poet weaves words and ideas to create an image. Recently I ran across this poem by a relatively unknown ninteenth-century poet named Sam Foss. It challenged me; I […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! Personal frustration leads me to today’s word-of-the-week… THEM You know who I mean. Them…the folks who aren’t us. Seems like we’re talking about them a lot lately. You and I likely know them in our workplace, our neighborhood, perhaps even our church. We probably accept them, perhaps even love them, but…and there’s the key. […]

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Real-Life Forgiveness

Happy Saturday! I’m rarely at a loss for words. Claire Davis was murdered in the senseless school shooting in suburban Denver. In this video, her father Michael talks about how he hopes we’ll respond to their horrific loss. I hope I’ll never face this sort of pain. I wonder if I’d be able to summon […]

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Who Lights Up Your Life?

Who are the people who brighten your days? I’m blessed to know a number of impressive, intelligent, influential folks. I know people who demonstrate wisdom, insight, leadership, discernment, tenacity, compassion, service, and sacrifice. I learn a great deal from their teaching and leading. I certainly couldn’t do what I do without their generosity and support. […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! The last Monday of 2014 got me thinking about today’s word-of-the-week… REFLECT New Year’s resolutions get all the attention, but I find it useful to look back. Year-end is an opportunity to reflect on where I’ve been. It’s a great way to get a sense of where I’m headed. But the past contains […]

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