Voluntary Hidden Taxes

Yesterday was Tax Day in the U.S. We know taxes are necessary, and we like to complain about them to some degree. But the taxes that hamper us most aren’t financial, and many are voluntary. Consider the fear tax. It’s exacted every time we limit our opportunity due to fear of something completely beyond our control. […]

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The God Who Sees

Hagar was a slave and and she was in a mess. Some of it was her fault, some of it wasn’t. But now she had run away into the wilderness. Pregnant and alone, she waited by a stream to see what might happen. An angel of God appeared and delivered a surprising promise. He told her to […]

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Blessed Be The Peacemakers

From Ian Morgan Cron, CHASING FRANCIS: I’ve confused being a peace lover with being a peace maker. A peace lover is someone who enjoys the absence of conflict, but a peacemaker is someone who is proactively engaged in works of reconciliation in every sphere of life, from the personal to the global. Is being an […]

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How Do We Open The Circle?

Becky and I visit a lot of new places in our travels. As an introvert I’m sensitive to insider-outsider feelings. Regardless of words or size, I often get a sense about whether the circle is open or closed. I work at being aware and moving past that initial tingle, but it frequently proves to be pretty accurate. […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A personal discomfort leads to today’s word-of-the-week… MY I’ve become sensitive to, and uncomfortable with, the ways I use the word “my.” My rights. My freedom. My ministry. My team. My turf. As a follower of Jesus, none of those are mine. Yet I often claim them in subtle and not-so-subtle ways as some […]

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Is It Okay To Coast?

I think about odd stuff while I crank my bike. The other day I took off on a workout with a specific intensity goal in mind. This wasn’t a pleasure ride. But as I topped a small rise old habits kicked in and I coasted for perhaps 100-200 yards without even being aware. I resumed pedaling and […]

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You Gotta Suit Up!

Do you remember Charlie Brown? Every year when baseball season began he gathered the Peanuts gang, grabbed his cap and glove, and headed for the diamond, convinced that this year would be different. The cap was essential because it was the team uniform. In Charlie Brown’s words, “If you’re part of a team, you gotta […]

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Where’s Your Focus?

“What was Jesus’ primary focus during His three years of public ministry?” It’s a trick question. I’m always a bit suspicious of single correct answers to complex questions. # # # Thomas wasn’t around when Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection. When his friends told him what happened, Doubting Thomas earned his forever […]

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About Championships

From Duke University men’s basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski (Coach K) : I’ve been a Coach K  fan for a long time. My admiration has little to do with basketball success. I was elated when my cousin’s son, Tyus Jones, chose to play for Coach K. We celebrated Monday night as Duke claimed the NCAA National Championship. […]

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Wax On, Wax Off

Do you have a favorite iconic movie character? I suppose we all remember different roles for different reasons. One of my favorites is Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid. In one memorable scene, Miyagi asks his student, Daniel, if he’s ready to begin his karate training. Daniel replies, “Yeah, I guess so.” Miyagi sighs. “Daniel-san, […]

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