Belief without faith – what’s missing?
Continue readingThreatening
How do we respond to this sort of radical threat?
Continue readingImposter
Perhaps “speak for…” Is different than “speak up for…”
Continue readingVoiceless?
Can we advocate for the marginalized without clinging to status?
Continue readingVoiceless?
What if we offer freedom so they can speak for themselves – and then listen?
Continue readingGod, Thinking, And Kids
What would change if you and I are part of how God thinks about justice?
Continue readingTricky Thoughts
Can I try to think God’s thoughts when I think about God?
Continue readingFirst Priority
What do you think about – when you think about God?
Continue readingOur Kids’ Perspective
I can’t understand the perspective of a kid born in a brothel. But Jesus asks me to try.
Continue readingAbout Metaphor
What if we take the risk of seeing from a completely different perspective?
Continue readingPerspective
Maybe part of caring for our neighbor is being willing to see from their point of view.
Continue readingFalse Impressions
Following Jesus isn’t heroic. It just… following.
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